Cleaning-Painted Kitchens

How to clean your kitchen cabinets


Cleaning kitchen cabinets

The kitchen is the must busiest room in the house. It has to cope with knocks, spills and a build ups of grease from cooking. Keeping your kitchen cabinets in good condition is easy using elbow grease to help prevent a build ups of grime.

Kitchen cabinets require regular cleaning, Ideally wiping down the surfaces at least once every other week to help remove the build-up of dirt and grease. A deep clean should really be carried out every couple of months, to tackle the more deeper levels of dirt and grease.

Choosing the right products to clean your kitchen cabinets is equally as important.


Creating a larger kitchen area

Creating a larger kitchen space

We all love the feeling of open space in our homes and kitchen, the concept of a cramped and cluttered house can even be stressful! However, it can be quite difficult to create these open spaces, especially in smaller homes. One of the best starting points is to keep non essential items from over imposing, so what exactly can alter within our kitchens to create open space?

Blue Kitchen & Gold

2023 kitchen trends

2023 kitchen trends for your home

Changing up your home space can be exciting, or stressful, but if you’re thinking of renovating your kitchen space in 2023 we’d like to make the process more fun than full of dread. Deciding you want to make renovations is the easy step, deciding what exactly you’d like to change in your space can be slightly more difficult and that’s what we’re here to help with, providing the trends for kitchens this year.


Design ideas for small kitchens

Design ideas for small kitchens

The kitchen acts as one of the main spaces in a home and we understand the frustration especially in designing small kitchens that many of us have to work with. Utilising your kitchen space to it’s full potential is something that many home owners struggle to do, especially if it is small. However with some expert space saving solutions and layout tips there are a few solutions that can help create your dream kitchen.


Cookware Items to avoid putting in your dishwasher

Cookware items you should ideally avoid putting in a dishwasher

For many homes a dishwasher has often been a lifesaver – not only do they give us sparkling clean dishes and cutlery, they do save us a lot of time in the kitchen which would have been spent at the sink.

Although dishwashers are super handy for ceramic dishes and silverware, there are some things you should avoid putting in your dishwasher. In recent months with rising electricity costs people have been asking how much it costs to run a dishwasher? A fact many of you probably wont have considered before.

Dishwashers are actually not meant hold all of our kitchen items. Did you know that, some of them can actually be damaged by being put through a washing cycle?


How to create your Dream Kitchen

Create the Dream Kitchen

Looking for a kitchen transformation with just a few simple tricks? Well after all, it is a well know fact the kitchen is the heart of the home – so why not create a practical yet chic and elegant utopia of your own? Let’s be honest, it is easier said than done but don’t fear – this blog will hopefully lead you on your path to your dream kitchen. 


Rising Energy Costs and Fridge Freezers

Rising Energy Costs and Fridge Freezers

As most of know, the current cost of living crisis is something affecting day to day life dramatically for the majority of people. It has caught quite a few of us trying to change the way we live to reduce costs and also exposed us to taking a closer look at the energy we are using and how we can cut down to save. Something that you may have been wondering is how much your fridge freezer is costing to run.
